Concept Stock symbol6578TW

DaBomb Protein Biotech
We are the pioneer of antibiotic alternatives in animal health field, via postbiotics to boost immune strength and excel in innovative fermentation for improved plant protein utility.

DaBomb Vision|Great & The Best

Create a greatest value with best attitude and bring health to human

Since its establishment in 2001, DaBomb Protein has become a pioneer in the animal nutrition fermentation industry. The brand name "Da Bomb" comes from American slang, which means the best , and outlines a true portrayal of Da Bomb protein's research and development, production and manufacturing. DaBomb Protein responds to the pulse of the industry, improving protein digestibility, maintaining intestinal health, and improving immunity. It integrates core technologies with professional microbial fermentation, rigorous quality control processes, and innovative R&D power to focus on providing the best quality. In order to meet the needs of human food safety and environmental sustainability.

Core Philosophy |"Natural. Green. Safety"

100% plant origin, environment friendly procedure, the best quality from feed to food from feed to food

The products come from 100% plant origin. DaBomb adheres "secure food safety from the source" and self-examines with the EU standards HACCP, ISO22000 and FAMI-QS. It is hoped that through environmental friendly process technology, not only can achieve coexistence with the environment but also to achieve the highest ideal of "Feed to food"!

Product Value|Only DaBomb. Beyond DaBomb

DaBomb protein: The best products.

DaBomb protein focus on "Nutritional Strategy in antibiotic free feed". Through professional microbial fermentation technology, stable and excellent product quality, significantly improve animal immunity, balance intestinal flora, and high digestibility protein. Committed to enhance the value of products, we strive to secure humanity from the beginning, of course, only DaBomb can beyond DaBomb!

Company culture|Focus. Care. Integrity. Sustainable

Product researching and fine procedures is our passion, and keep promise is our only mission.

Concentrate on product research, improve the production process, and make every effort to increase product value; achieve corporate care, create a high-quality working environment, and fulfill corporate social responsibility. DaBomb keeps integrity in mind, attains quality into action.